Dream of Blindness meaning in islam

   Dream of Blindness meaning in islam

Dream of Blithe meaning

 Dream of Blond meaning

Dream of Blindness meaning in islam, Dream of Blithe meaning, Dream of Blond meaning,B,

 Dream of Blindness: (Gold; Heedlessness; Inheritance; Poverty) In a dream, blindness

means heedlessness, misguidance or receiving an inheritance. A blind man in

a dream represents a poor person and because of his poverty, his actions mostly

harm his religious life. Blindness in a dream also means a calamity, an accident,

a misfortune, sadness, harm, sorrows and distress. If a blind man sees himself

wrapped with new cloth in a dream, it means his death. If one sees himself blind

in a dream, it means debts he owes, or a pilgrimage he must attend. If one is

blinded in a dream, it means that he will betray his covenant with his Lord.

Becoming blind in a dream means suffering from poverty and becoming needy

after being rich, or it could mean satisfaction and contentment, or it could mean

losing a dear person. If one's sight explodes with a lightning in a dream, it means 

his death. Blindness also could denote deafness, disregarding the world or

renouncing it or hiding one's secrets. As for a foreigner, seeing himself blind in

a dream means never returning to his homeland. Blindness in a dream for a

prisoner means his release from jail. If a seeker, a student, or a businessman

sees himself blind in a dream, it means that he may never reach his goals. (Also

see Body); Destruction; Eyes; Fear; One-eyed; World)

Blintz: (See Pastry)

Blister beetle: (See Spanish fly)

 Dream of Blithe meaning: (Cheerfulness; Lightheartedness) In a dream, blithe signifies comfort, a

good spirit and particularly for a grateful person. This also applies for seeing

a deceased person in a state of cheerfulness. A blithely person in a dream is one

who is grateful for the blessings endowed upon him by God Almighty of having

a family, love, affection and for the ability to do good deeds. If one is expecting

a promise to be fulfilled, then blithe in a dream implies the satisfaction of his


 Dream of Blond meaning: (The color blond) In a dream, the color blond means war, sickness, piety,

or a religious person. In a dream, the color blond also could mean contemptible-

ness, vileness, meanness or depravity. (Also see Colors)

Blood disease: If one is presented in his dream with red unripened dates, then

they represent some type of blood disease where the red cells exceed the white

cells in number. (Also see Dates)

 Dream of Blood letting: (See Cupping)

 Dream of Blood ties: (Debts; Veins)

 Dream of Blood meaning in islam:

 In a dream, blood represents unlawful or illegal money, or an evil act that

will emanate from the person seeing the dream. If one sees himself dragging his

feet through puddles of blood in a dream, it means that he will finance his

business from unlawfully earned money, profit from an illegal business or

commit a major sin then be caught. If one sees blood staining his shirt in a

dream, it means that someone will lie to him, though he will not recognize it.

If his shirt is stained with blood or pus from pimples in a dream, it means that

a thief will lie to him. If his shirt is stained with the blood of a lion in a dream,

it means that an iniquitous person in authority will lie to him and take

advantage of him. 


If his shirt is stained with the blood of a ram in a dream, it

means that a rich, noble and a well respected person will lie to him, and at the

end he will consent to accepting corrupt money. Seeing blood flowing from one's

body or from wounds is a sign of good health, safety, or it could mean coming

home after a long journey. Drinking human blood in a dream means money,

profits, escape from danger, safety from trials and adversities, or it could mean

committing a sin then repenting from it. Falling into a pool of blood in a dream

means that one will be accused of a murder or of stealing money. Ifone sees a

valley filled with blood in a dream, it means that he may be killed in that locality.

If one sees blood emanating out of his body without cupping or cuts in a dream,

it means giving money to someone. If he is a poor person, then it means receiving

money from someone. If one sees himself falling into a cistern which is filled with

blood in a dream, it means that someone is seeking revenge from him. Blood in

a jar represents a woman in menstruation. 

Blood in a dream also represents one's life, strength, wealth, business, helpers, clothing, earning praise or blame, weak points, unlawful food, lack of benefits, loss of business or money or esteem,

inability to draw benefits from one's usual close ones, such as a father, a son,

or a business partner, separation through death from one's beloveds or dear

one's, such as wife or a kin. One's blood in a dream also represents his own Satan,

or an enemy that dwells inside his house. Drinking one's own blood in a dream

means paying one's debts with second loan, or vanquishing one's enemy.

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